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American Air Filter International
American Air Filter International





We offer clarity in the quest for cleaner air. AAF provides trusted products that are the result of more than 100 years of experience and innovation in commercial air filtration. Browse these categories to find advanced solutions to meet your clean air challenges.

FabriPulse® Fusion

FabriPulse® Fusion

FabriPulse® Fusion is a modular bag dust collector designed for large airflows in processes and applications with high dust concentrations; starting from 8,000 CFM, can handle up to 88,000 CFM, or more as additional modules can be added. Beyond a dust collector, FabriPulse® Fusion is a process filter that can work off-line as well as on-line in continuous operation through on-line pulse-jet cleaning.

FabriPulse® Fusion

FabriPulse® Fusion is a modular bag dust collector designed for large airflows in processes and applications with high dust concentrations; starting from 8,000 CFM, can handle up to 88,000 CFM, or more as additional modules can be added. Beyond a dust collector, FabriPulse® Fusion is a process filter that can work off-line as well as on-line in continuous operation through on-line pulse-jet cleaning.

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